Alexander von Humboldt German International School Montreal is a trilingual (German, English, French) independent private school which belongs to a worldwide network of over 140 German schools abroad. It offers an enriched program up to Grade 12, starting with preschool from as early as 2½ years.
AvH is located in Baie d’Urfé near the western tip of the island of Montreal. It was founded in 1980 with the goal of providing a multilingual learning environment while satisfying both German as well as Quebec education requirements. With 320 students the atmosphere is warm, familiar, and nurturing. The main teaching language at AvH is German, and English and French are prominent from Grade 1 on.
More than half of AvH students do not speak German at home – they learn it with us. The early acquisition of a second or third language benefits children in many ways. Multilingual children can understand abstract concepts earlier, and are more adept at switching back and forth between tasks as required. A child with these abilities will have more options and opportunities later in life.
Teachers, students, and parents organize numerous events to foster a sense of togetherness – from games nights to project days, from concerts to class trips. From the very beginning, the little ones are part of an international and caring community.
There are many ways to prepare children for the future.
One of the most effective is to give them the gift of additional languages, along with an internationally renowned education.