Roundtable: Germany has Elected – Expected Ramifications for European Politics and Transatlantic Relations
The recent federal elections have brought a dramatic shift to the right in Germany’s political landscape. The right-extreme “Alternative für Deutschland” (AfD) has gained more than 20 percent of votes and will thus be a tangible power in the next parliament that might push debates and policies into a less liberal direction. At the same time, left-leaning parties such as the Social Democrats, the Greens and the Leftist Party have hardly more than a third of all votes together.
This roundtable brings together outstanding experts on German politics, discussing expected ramifications of the elections for European politics and transatlantic relations.
H.E. Tjorven Bellmann, German Ambassador to Canada
Jordan Leichnitz, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Ottawa
Prof. Achim Hurrelmann, Carleton University
Prof. Daniel Stockemer, UOttawa, School of Political Studies
Prof. Elke Winter, UOttawa, Sociology
Prof. Benjamin Zyla, UOttawa, International Development & Governance