OUR ZERO CARBON FUTURE: Making the transition just
This three-part roundtable series, a partnership between Corporate Knights and the German and French Embassies in Canada as part of the Ottawa Climate Talks, is designed to shed light on the issue of energy justice (access and affordability) and labour force impacts and offer concrete examples of policies and actions to push and propel us towards not just a clean transition, but a clean and JUST transition.
Making the transition to clean energy requires an emergency response, today. The time for incremental approaches is over if we are to halt warming the planet in time to avoid the climate catastrophe that is only years away, not decades.
Part 3: Unsticking the stuck
How can COP26 commitments most effectively address the just transition?
Building on the foundation of the preceding two sessions, panelists will reflect on the COP outcomes from a climate justice perspective and share their thoughts on the relationship between measures to ensure a just transition and our collective ability to achieve the Paris climate goals.
There are two sides to just transition. Globally, there is the question of who will foot the bill for required changes (both mitigation and climate adaptation) in developing countries as well as whether there will be any money available to compensate for climate damage. Domestically, to what extent do Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) seek to address issues of climate justice, without which there is likely to be significant backlash from affected communities?